Low / Double Negative
There is a reflection raised by Sub Pop's press release for the release of 'There is a reflection raised by Sub Pop's press release for the release of 'Double Negative' with which we all agree: it's really significant that Low doesn't celebrate his 25 years of career with an easy big hits, or an everlasting return to the origins or the onomastic re-edition of some (or several) of his first albums, but by publishing his most uncomfortable, challenging and demanding album of his history, in hard struggle with the equally arid but magnificent 'Drums and Guns' (2007). It is a distinctive sign of the Duluth trio, Minnesotta, that honors them and gives that measure that separates the groups that are destined to write the history of rock, independently of the commercial response that is, as we know, something conjunctural. , Thus, after the phase rockist that marked the notables 'C'mon' (2011) and 'The Invisible Way' (2013), 'One...